New Head Teacher Vlog starting October 2023.
Bringing you the latest news, stories and updates from around Northern Counties School.
Episode 8
It’s Christmas!
Martin discusses some events from last term, how NCS is getting festive and how they’ve been lucky with awards lately.
We hope everyone has a lovely Christmas break and will see students back on January 7th 2025.
Episode 7
It’s the end of the Summer Term!
Martin discusses the final events at Northern Counties School, including the Leavers Assembly, Prom and a whole school trip to the beach.
We hope everyone has a lovely summer break and will welcome you all back into school in September.
Episode 6
Happy Easter! Martin discusses the events of this half term, including World Book Day and a visit from a motorcycle group. There’s also an interview from the Assistant Headteacher about Personal Development
Episode 5
It’s the beginning of a new term and Martin discusses what’s been happening as well as interviewing Lorna, the Wellbeing Practitioner.
Episode 4
Merry Christmas!
In this episode Martin discusses what’s been happening over the Christmas term at Northern Counties as well as interviewing the therapy team.
Episode 3
Tune into the third episode of the Headteacher’s Vlog, where Martin tells us what’s been happening this term, which includes Halloween Discos, mosque visits and more. And what’s to come over the Christmas season.
Episode 2
View the next episode by watching the video at the side, here Martin talks about some of the events that have happened, including a visit from the High Sheriff of Newcastle. He also interviews the Curriculum Lead at NCS, Helen Blakelock.
Episode 1
View the first episode by watching the video at the side, here Martin covers how it’s been coming back after the school holidays and what’s to come. He also interviews the Deputy Head on what it’s like to work at Northern Counties School.