
Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 24th May 2024

Welcome to 51视频 School's Family Liaison Blog!

As I start this week鈥檚 blog, I have in mind that it will be a shorter one than usual. Let鈥檚 see how that goes.

I hope that you enjoy half term. Students and staff return on Monday 3rd June.

It was great to attend the coffee afternoons this week, with the Post 16 one very well attended. Those moving to Post 16 were invited along and you all seemed to enjoy it. Apart from introductions from class teachers covering what their main subject area is, Louise our careers lead talked about this and the residential which is part of Post 16 which is so beneficial to students in preparation for adulthood, developing independence skills. Helen, one of our Post 16 parents gave an encouraging insight into how it worked for her family. I used the opportunity to introduce the bursary which I manage for school and gave out some handouts. If you were unable to attend and would like one, please let me know. If you鈥檇 like to know more about the bursary, please look back at last week鈥檚 blog to refresh your memory. We hope to start the application process next half term.

Although less well attended the Engagement pathway coffee afternoon demonstrated the importance of parental peer support. I have always been of the view that other parents/carers who walk the walk have no option but to become well informed for the benefit of the very special children in their care. It is something I hope, considering the LPPA and PfA objectives we can involve parents in, perhaps with focus groups.


An update from our communications department.

Online Safety

Free School Meals

Those eligible for income related free school meals will receive their voucher from Edenred on Monday 27th May.

Let鈥檚 talk about Universal Credit for Post 16鈥檚.

I often talk to parents about this, more so in recent years as the government system changed in December 2021.

Gateshead Local Offer

Thanks to Paul, parent of 2 of our students who passed this on.

Changing Places toilets

We have had some new starters, and expecting some more after half term so I thought this worth sharing.

Toby Henderson Trust

Circus Starr

We receive tickets each year for Circus Starr. This year there have been changes to the venue and day of performance, and we have been given less tickets. In previous years it has been on a weekend day and at a venue in Blaydon. This year it is on Monday 17th June and at The Fed, Lancaster Road, Dunston NE11 9JR. Those who use wheelchairs will need to phone and reserve a spot early.

Family Fun Day at Toby House

This is from the Toby Henderson Trust

Juliet Oakley Childrens Park

City of Newcastle Gymnastics Academy

May holidays SEN drop in session.

FoPHS News

I must start this by passing on thanks I have had from so many of you to Beth, our wonderful Teacher and keen photographer for taking these photographs. My thanks also to Hannah, Teacher, and Vice Chair of FoPHS for all the paperwork, proofs etc. This was a real team effort, and we also need to thank all our staff for working with us to get the photographs taken.

This week I would like to share a poem with you which I love. I鈥檝e adapted slightly. My faith drives me; it is at the heart of all I do and is my strength and stay.


听听听 Heaven鈥檚 Very Special Child.

A meeting was held not far from earth,

It鈥檚 time again for another birth,

Said the angels to the Lord above,

鈥淭his special child will need much love.


His/her progress may seem very slow,

Accomplishments he/she may not show,

And he/she will require extra care,

From the folk he/she meets down there.


He/she may not run or laugh or play,

His/her thoughts may seem quite far away,

In many ways he/she won鈥檛 adapt,

And he/she may be known as handicapped.


So, let鈥檚 be careful where he/she鈥檚 sent,

We want his/her life to be content.

Please, Lord find the parents who

Will do a special job for you.


They may not realise right away,

The leading role they鈥檙e asked to play,

But with this child sent from above,

Comes stronger faith and richer love.


And soon they may know the privilege given,

In caring for this gift from heaven,

Their precious charge so meek and mild,

Is Heaven鈥檚 very special child鈥.


Author unknown.


Contact details

Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer

Email: e.robinson@percyhedley.org.uk

Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.